Bring, take, get, fetch and carry的区别,这好象是初二学得东西吧。但我老把bring和take混着用,今天查了一些资料,大概弄明白了一点,但愿以后不会再犯错:
Bring or Take
The choice between bring or take depends on the location of the speaker. If the speaker refers to something that is at her current location, she uses bring. Generally, use bring when something moves from there to here. If the speaker refers to something that has been moved to a different location, she uses take. Generally, use take when something moves from here to there. 一句话,bring是拿来,而take是带走。
I’m glad you brought me to this shop. It’s great!
I’ll bring the map with me on the trip.
Bring me a cup of tea, please.
The coach took the boys to football field.
Jack took his laptop with him on his trip.
I’ll take you to see our teacher
Could you help me to take the box to the classroom?
When speaking about going somewhere and getting something and then bringing it back, use get (American English) or fetch (British English). 从说话人所在地出发,到达别处后,把某人某物带回原处,表示的动作是一个来回。其中get (美式英语) or fetch (英式英语)。
Could you get the newspaper?
Please get a doctor at once. Bill is having a high fever.
She fetched her diary and showed him the entry.
Support and move (someone or something) from one place to another. 表示车、船、牛、马等载人或物,也可表人用手提,用肩扛,用背背。强调动作的移动性,不强调方向性。
Let me help you carry the heavy box.
<材料来自about.com及google docs>
每天都到你这学英语了 呵呵