很多时候纠结于agree to还是agree with, 但明白了下面agree的用法就再也不用纠结了。
1, Agree表示“有同样的观点”
- People can agree on or about a particular topic or issue.
- A person can agree with another person on or about a particular topic or issue.
- A person can agree that something is the case.
2, Agree 表示“同意”
- A person or organisation can agree to or with something suggested.
- A person or organisation can agree to do something suggested.
3, Agree表示“达成一致意见”
- People can agree some course of action, i.e. decide upon it.
- People can agree on something as the result of a discussion.
- People can agree to do something.
4,如果某个事物does not agree with 某人,比如天气、食物等,表示这个事物(比如天气、食物)给他造成了麻烦
5, 一般情况下, agree to, agree with及agree on可以这样使用:
- Agree on a plan 表示两个或更多人对这个plan有同样的看法。
- Agree with a proposal or another person表示你接受这个proposal或你的观点和another person的观点是一致的。
- Agree to: agree to demands/queries, 或者agree to do something.